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London Montessori International
Chief Executive's Birthday on 11th Nov-12 AT PC Karachi.
London Montessori International
Special Award for the Chief Executive's on Convocation Day - 11th Nov-12 AT PC Karachi.
London Montessori International
Speakers/Master Trainers on One Day Seminar - 11th Nov-12 AT PC Karachi.
London Montessori International
One Day Seminar Participants - 11th Nov-12 AT PC Karachi.
London Montessori International
One Day Seminar Participants - 11th Nov-12 AT PC Karachi.
London Montessori International
22nd Anniversary Celebration on 20th Feb 2011 AT PC- - Karachi
London Montessori International
LMI Staff on One Day Seminar on 20th AT PC - Karachi
London Montessori International
One Day Seminar on 20th Feb 2011 AT PC - Karachi.
London Montessori International
15 Days Workshop - 2001 at Holiday Inn Islamabad
London Montessori International
Workshop - 2001 at PC - Karachi
London Montessori International
Days Workshop - 2002 at Avari Tower Karachi
London Montessori International
Workshop 2003 at PC - Karachi
replica watches
London Montessori International
22nd Anniversary Celebration on 20th Feb 2011 AT PC- - Karachi
London Montessori International
22nd Anniversary Celebration on 20th Feb 2011 AT PC- - Karachi
London Montessori International
One Day Seminar on 20th Feb 2011 AT PC - Karachi

WorkShop Seminars Payment Form

7-Days Montessori Virtual Workshop Monthly Advance Conference

One Day Seminar Monthly symposium

Note: Inquire fee form Branches- Head office

Are you Student of LMI :
Yes No

City & Branch Name:

Title :

First Name :

Last Name :

Address :


Email :

How did you come to know

about this program ?

Have you attended any of

above program before ?

which of when ?

please name :

Fee paid for 7-Days Montessori Virtual Workshop :

Fee Paid for Monthly Advance Conference :

Fee Paid One Day Seminar :

Fee Paid for Monthly Symposium :

Total Payment made :